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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
107CipherShedBugNewImmediateOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-1 - CryptAcquireContext may silently fail in unusual scenarios
108CipherShedBugNewUrgentOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-2 - AES implementation susceptible to cache-timing attacks
27CipherShedBugResolvedHighAudit of 04af5c7 - Buffer Overflow: sprintf
77CipherShedBugResolvedHighboot loader is too big, regression on ff4d0578aff9269fdb654a213c850ce576fafd0a
94CipherShedBugNewHighCipherShed Volume Creation Wizard: Encryption of Host Protected Area":"Encryption of Host Protected Area" class #32770 not initialized?
48CipherShedBugNewHighEncryptDataUnits() lacks error handling
115CipherShedBugResolvedHighfails to build on stretch due to overloaded constructors
117CipherShedBugResolvedHighFailure to function when compiled with GCC 5
47CipherShedBugNewHighGetWipePassCount() / WipeBuffer() can cause BSOD
43CipherShedBugNewHighIOCTL_DISK_VERIFY integer overflow
45CipherShedBugNewHighMainThreadProc() integer overflow
21CipherShedBugNewHighMethod of mounting may be exploited
46CipherShedBugNewHighMountVolume() device check bypass
40CipherShedBugNewHighMultiple issues in the bootloader decompressor
37CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project issues
109CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-3 - Keyfile mixing is not cryptographically sound
110CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-4 - Unauthenticated ciphertext in volume headers
71CipherShedBugNewHighpasswords using non-ascii
39CipherShedBugNewHighSensitive information might be paged out from kernel stacks
42CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_GET_SYSTEM_DRIVE_DUMP_CONFIG kernel pointer disclosure
44CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_OPEN_TEST multiple issues
49CipherShedBugResolvedHighuse a unit testing frameworkBlocks #38
35CipherShedFeatureResolvedHighuse Doxygen
38CipherShedBugNewHighWeak Volume Header key derivation algorithmBlocked by #49
41CipherShedBugNewHighWindows kernel driver uses memset() to clear sensitive data
63CipherShedBugNewNormal64 bit gui on 64 bit systemsRelated to #65
82CipherShedFeatureNewNormaladd sparse file detection to non-windows versions
62CipherShedFeatureNewNormalAdministrative Configuration for Enterprise IT
92CipherShedFeatureNewNormalallow change of cipher/key on encrypted container without decrypting
30CipherShedBugResolvedNormalAllowed character description is wrongRelated to #31
28CipherShedBugResolvedNormalAudit of 04af5c7 - Buffer Overflow: strcat
101CipherShedBugResolvedNormalboot loader password prompt takes 100% cpu in VM
25CipherShedTaskNewNormalBroken applinksRelated to #14
90CipherShedFeatureNewNormalcipher setting preference file
116CipherShedBugNewNormalcreate an option for private/global volume mounting
17CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate debian packaging
20CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate dmg for os x
19CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate pkgbuild for arch
18CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate rpm packaging
81CipherShedFeatureNewNormalDecrypt System drive via commandline
83CipherShedBugNewNormaldeduplicate file names
85CipherShedBugNewNormalDlgcode.c is 9917 lines long, split it up
60CipherShedFeatureNewNormalEnhanced UX - shell extension for container managementRelated to #34
3CipherShedTaskNewNormalFinish initial bitmaps and icons
14CipherShedBugNewNormalFixes urls in ui (/applink? links)Related to #25
8CipherShedTaskNewNormalGet graphics artist to work on artwork, icons
74CipherShedBugNewNormalHardcoded Build date in Help->About window
96CipherShedFeatureNewNormalinstaller to incorporate a post-installation quick-start wizard
124CipherShedFeatureNewNormalinvestigate switch to FUDforum from phpBB
26CipherShedBugNewNormalLarge External Drive Support on Mac (>512byte sector size)
50CipherShedFeatureNewNormalLinux FDERelated to #5
123CipherShedBugNewNormallosetup anomaly with OpenSUSE 13.1
86CipherShedBugResolvedNormalMake ciphershed window titlebars different
125CipherShedBugResolvedNormalMakefile for bootloader fails on case sensitive filesystem
76CipherShedBugNewNormalMakeSelfExtractingPackage used in CI cannot have dialog boxes
61CipherShedFeatureNewNormaloptionally support TPM
95CipherShedBugNewNormalPlatform/SystemException.h and Common/Exception.h define the same class/struct
67CipherShedFeatureNewNormalprint a backup
66CipherShedFeatureNewNormalprovide robust API for usermode interaction with kernel driver
65CipherShedFeatureNewNormalpure 64 bit version for windowsRelated to #63
113CipherShedBugResolvedNormalremove the donate screen from the installer
64CipherShedTaskNewNormalRewrite or remove LongReverse in Common/Dlgcode.c
57CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSkein support
88CipherShedBugNewNormalsmart card support for containers
99CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSuggestion 3—Separate required and optional input parameters
100CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSuggestion 4—Display the consequences of an action immediately (Immediacy of consequences)
121CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSupport "not" burning CD on encrypting disk operationRelated to #68
93CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport "quick" encrypt for new media (especially flash/SSD)
102CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport for serial console in bootloader
122CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport key escrowRelated to #68
36CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport multiple actors to open an encrypted volume
89CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSupport the Common Criteria Collaborative Protection Profile for Full Disk Encryption
72CipherShedBugNewNormalThe installation fails, but a message (from windows?) says it succeeds and asks if you want to reboot
70CipherShedFeatureNewNormaltrack git info in build
73CipherShedBugNewNormalTruecrypt icon showing in taskbar ideas thread
112CipherShedBugResolvedNormaluninstall on windows does not list version info
78CipherShedBugNewNormalupdate the website, automatically
2CipherShedTaskNewNormalUpgrade installer to uninstall TrueCryptRelated to #1, Related to #13, Related to #16
118CipherShedBugNewNormalupgrading truecrpyt fails if truecrypt is pinned to the taskbar
91CipherShedFeatureNewNormaluse linked libraries in kernel driver to isolate logical units and later support plugins
126CipherShedBugResolvedNormalVS launcher breaks if using multiple VS and the default is not the one for CS
84CipherShedBugNewNormalwcsncpy is subject to buffer overflow
33CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows comamnd line volume creation
34CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows mount point supportRelated to #60
11CipherShedFeatureNewLowCipher set enablement
75CipherShedFeatureNewLowcode coverage - ConvertUTF.c
103CipherShedTaskNewLowConst Correctness
105CipherShedBugResolvedLowDebian Jessie Complication Error: wx3.0
106CipherShedTaskNewLowDisable GitHub issue tracker
79CipherShedFeatureNewLowdocument a list of file systems compatible with Hidden Volume usage
56CipherShedBugNewLowFreeBSD support
69CipherShedFeatureNewLowintegration test: mounting and sharing volumes
59CipherShedBugNewLowoptimized rescue diskRelated to #52
53CipherShedFeatureNewLowPortable / non-admin volume browser
52CipherShedFeatureNewLowrecovery utility & toolsRelated to #59
54CipherShedFeatureNewLowSelf Destruct Password
87CipherShedFeatureNewLowsupport multiple hidden volumes
58CipherShedFeatureNewLowTablet / Touch screen / non-keyboard boot support
80CipherShedBugNewLowTEST CASE: ubuntu 14 GUI install
(1-100/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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