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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
44CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_OPEN_TEST multiple issues
45CipherShedBugNewHighMainThreadProc() integer overflow
46CipherShedBugNewHighMountVolume() device check bypass
47CipherShedBugNewHighGetWipePassCount() / WipeBuffer() can cause BSOD
48CipherShedBugNewHighEncryptDataUnits() lacks error handling
71CipherShedBugNewHighpasswords using non-ascii
94CipherShedBugNewHighCipherShed Volume Creation Wizard: Encryption of Host Protected Area":"Encryption of Host Protected Area" class #32770 not initialized?
109CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-3 - Keyfile mixing is not cryptographically sound
110CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-4 - Unauthenticated ciphertext in volume headers
108CipherShedBugNewUrgentOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-2 - AES implementation susceptible to cache-timing attacks
107CipherShedBugNewImmediateOpen Crypto Audit Project TrueCrypt CS-TC-1 - CryptAcquireContext may silently fail in unusual scenarios
105CipherShedBugResolvedLowDebian Jessie Complication Error: wx3.0
104CipherShedBugResolvedLowwxgtk 2.9, CommandLineInterface, ambiguous overloaded function calls
30CipherShedBugResolvedNormalAllowed character description is wrongRelated to #31
28CipherShedBugResolvedNormalAudit of 04af5c7 - Buffer Overflow: strcat
86CipherShedBugResolvedNormalMake ciphershed window titlebars different
101CipherShedBugResolvedNormalboot loader password prompt takes 100% cpu in VM
112CipherShedBugResolvedNormaluninstall on windows does not list version info
113CipherShedBugResolvedNormalremove the donate screen from the installer
125CipherShedBugResolvedNormalMakefile for bootloader fails on case sensitive filesystem
126CipherShedBugResolvedNormalVS launcher breaks if using multiple VS and the default is not the one for CS
27CipherShedBugResolvedHighAudit of 04af5c7 - Buffer Overflow: sprintf
35CipherShedFeatureResolvedHighuse Doxygen
49CipherShedBugResolvedHighuse a unit testing frameworkBlocks #38
77CipherShedBugResolvedHighboot loader is too big, regression on ff4d0578aff9269fdb654a213c850ce576fafd0a
(76-100/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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