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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
27CipherShedBugResolvedHighAudit of 04af5c7 - Buffer Overflow: sprintf
30CipherShedBugResolvedNormalAllowed character description is wrongRelated to #31
63CipherShedBugNewNormal64 bit gui on 64 bit systemsRelated to #65
34CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows mount point supportRelated to #60
33CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows comamnd line volume creation
91CipherShedFeatureNewNormaluse linked libraries in kernel driver to isolate logical units and later support plugins
35CipherShedFeatureResolvedHighuse Doxygen
10CipherShedFeatureNewLowTwo-factor Pre-boot-authentication with USB stick and Password ideas thread
70CipherShedFeatureNewNormaltrack git info in build
58CipherShedFeatureNewLowTablet / Touch screen / non-keyboard boot support
89CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSupport the Common Criteria Collaborative Protection Profile for Full Disk Encryption
87CipherShedFeatureNewLowsupport multiple hidden volumes
36CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport multiple actors to open an encrypted volume
122CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport key escrowRelated to #68
102CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport for serial console in bootloader
93CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport "quick" encrypt for new media (especially flash/SSD)
121CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSupport "not" burning CD on encrypting disk operationRelated to #68
100CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSuggestion 4—Display the consequences of an action immediately (Immediacy of consequences)
99CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSuggestion 3—Separate required and optional input parameters
57CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSkein support
54CipherShedFeatureNewLowSelf Destruct Password
52CipherShedFeatureNewLowrecovery utility & toolsRelated to #59
65CipherShedFeatureNewNormalpure 64 bit version for windowsRelated to #63
66CipherShedFeatureNewNormalprovide robust API for usermode interaction with kernel driver
(51-75/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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