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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
83CipherShedBugNewNormaldeduplicate file names
80CipherShedBugNewLowTEST CASE: ubuntu 14 GUI install
78CipherShedBugNewNormalupdate the website, automatically
77CipherShedBugResolvedHighboot loader is too big, regression on ff4d0578aff9269fdb654a213c850ce576fafd0a
76CipherShedBugNewNormalMakeSelfExtractingPackage used in CI cannot have dialog boxes
74CipherShedBugNewNormalHardcoded Build date in Help->About window
73CipherShedBugNewNormalTruecrypt icon showing in taskbar
72CipherShedBugNewNormalThe installation fails, but a message (from windows?) says it succeeds and asks if you want to reboot
71CipherShedBugNewHighpasswords using non-ascii
63CipherShedBugNewNormal64 bit gui on 64 bit systemsRelated to #65
59CipherShedBugNewLowoptimized rescue diskRelated to #52
56CipherShedBugNewLowFreeBSD support
55CipherShedBugIn ProgressNormalUnified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)Jason PyeronRelated to #51
51CipherShedBugIn ProgressNormalGUID Partition Table (GPT)Jason PyeronRelated to #55
49CipherShedBugResolvedHighuse a unit testing frameworkBlocks #38
48CipherShedBugNewHighEncryptDataUnits() lacks error handling
47CipherShedBugNewHighGetWipePassCount() / WipeBuffer() can cause BSOD
46CipherShedBugNewHighMountVolume() device check bypass
45CipherShedBugNewHighMainThreadProc() integer overflow
44CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_OPEN_TEST multiple issues
43CipherShedBugNewHighIOCTL_DISK_VERIFY integer overflow
42CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_GET_SYSTEM_DRIVE_DUMP_CONFIG kernel pointer disclosure
41CipherShedBugNewHighWindows kernel driver uses memset() to clear sensitive data
40CipherShedBugNewHighMultiple issues in the bootloader decompressor
39CipherShedBugNewHighSensitive information might be paged out from kernel stacks
(26-50/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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