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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
62CipherShedFeatureNewNormalAdministrative Configuration for Enterprise IT
61CipherShedFeatureNewNormaloptionally support TPM
60CipherShedFeatureNewNormalEnhanced UX - shell extension for container managementRelated to #34
59CipherShedBugNewLowoptimized rescue diskRelated to #52
58CipherShedFeatureNewLowTablet / Touch screen / non-keyboard boot support
57CipherShedFeatureNewNormalSkein support
56CipherShedBugNewLowFreeBSD support
54CipherShedFeatureNewLowSelf Destruct Password
53CipherShedFeatureNewLowPortable / non-admin volume browser
52CipherShedFeatureNewLowrecovery utility & toolsRelated to #59
50CipherShedFeatureNewNormalLinux FDERelated to #5
48CipherShedBugNewHighEncryptDataUnits() lacks error handling
47CipherShedBugNewHighGetWipePassCount() / WipeBuffer() can cause BSOD
46CipherShedBugNewHighMountVolume() device check bypass
45CipherShedBugNewHighMainThreadProc() integer overflow
44CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_OPEN_TEST multiple issues
43CipherShedBugNewHighIOCTL_DISK_VERIFY integer overflow
42CipherShedBugNewHighTC_IOCTL_GET_SYSTEM_DRIVE_DUMP_CONFIG kernel pointer disclosure
41CipherShedBugNewHighWindows kernel driver uses memset() to clear sensitive data
40CipherShedBugNewHighMultiple issues in the bootloader decompressor
39CipherShedBugNewHighSensitive information might be paged out from kernel stacks
38CipherShedBugNewHighWeak Volume Header key derivation algorithmBlocked by #49
37CipherShedBugNewHighOpen Crypto Audit Project issues
36CipherShedFeatureNewNormalsupport multiple actors to open an encrypted volume
34CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows mount point supportRelated to #60
33CipherShedFeatureNewNormalwindows comamnd line volume creation ideas thread
31CipherShedBugNewNormalthere is duplicate code for password character checkingJason PyeronRelated to #30
26CipherShedBugNewNormalLarge External Drive Support on Mac (>512byte sector size)
25CipherShedTaskNewNormalBroken applinksRelated to #14
24CipherShedTaskNewNormalAdd Windows 8 / Server 2012Rocki H
23CipherShedBugNewNormalWindows 8 / 8.1 Fast StartupRocki H
21CipherShedBugNewHighMethod of mounting may be exploited
20CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate dmg for os x
19CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate pkgbuild for arch
18CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate rpm packaging
17CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate debian packaging
16CipherShedTaskNewHighCreate list of all installed files / registry keys (Windows).Rocki HRelated to #2
15CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate Gnu Info pageEugene WangRelated to #12
14CipherShedBugNewNormalFixes urls in ui (/applink? links)Related to #25
13CipherShedTaskNewNormalList of all version numbersRocki HRelated to #2
11CipherShedFeatureNewLowCipher set enablement
10CipherShedFeatureNewLowTwo-factor Pre-boot-authentication with USB stick and Password
9CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate check-list of features to be testedPier-Luc Caron St-Pierre
8CipherShedTaskNewNormalGet graphics artist to work on artwork, icons
7CipherShedTaskNewNormalMac build, installer, VMJason Pyeron
6CipherShedTaskNewNormalWindows build, installer, VMBill Cox
5CipherShedTaskNewNormalLinux build, installer, VMKyle MarekRelated to #50
4CipherShedTaskNewNormalGet Windows executable signing keyBill Cox
3CipherShedTaskNewNormalFinish initial bitmaps and icons
(51-100/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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