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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Related issues Security Fix
117CipherShedBugResolvedHighFailure to function when compiled with GCC 5
49CipherShedBugResolvedHighuse a unit testing frameworkBlocks #38
35CipherShedFeatureResolvedHighuse Doxygen
63CipherShedBugNewNormal64 bit gui on 64 bit systemsRelated to #65
82CipherShedFeatureNewNormaladd sparse file detection to non-windows versions
24CipherShedTaskNewNormalAdd Windows 8 / Server 2012Rocki H
62CipherShedFeatureNewNormalAdministrative Configuration for Enterprise IT
92CipherShedFeatureNewNormalallow change of cipher/key on encrypted container without decrypting
25CipherShedTaskNewNormalBroken applinksRelated to #14
90CipherShedFeatureNewNormalcipher setting preference file
116CipherShedBugNewNormalcreate an option for private/global volume mounting
9CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate check-list of features to be testedPier-Luc Caron St-Pierre
17CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate debian packaging
20CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate dmg for os x
15CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate Gnu Info pageEugene WangRelated to #12
19CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate pkgbuild for arch
18CipherShedTaskNewNormalCreate rpm packaging
81CipherShedFeatureNewNormalDecrypt System drive via commandline
83CipherShedBugNewNormaldeduplicate file names
1CipherShedTaskNewNormalDetailed review of Windows constant stringsPaweł ZegartowskiRelated to #2
85CipherShedBugNewNormalDlgcode.c is 9917 lines long, split it up
60CipherShedFeatureNewNormalEnhanced UX - shell extension for container managementRelated to #34
3CipherShedTaskNewNormalFinish initial bitmaps and icons
14CipherShedBugNewNormalFixes urls in ui (/applink? links)Related to #25
8CipherShedTaskNewNormalGet graphics artist to work on artwork, icons
(26-50/125) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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