Feature #65
pure 64 bit version for windows
see: https://forum.truecrypt.ch/t/ciphershed-and-windows-pe-64-bits/478/2
allows support for PE environments or other WOW lacking systems
Related issues
#1 Updated by Jason Pyeron almost 6 years ago
(copied from https://forum.truecrypt.ch/t/ciphershed-and-windows-pe-64-bits/478/2)
Ciphershed and windows pe 64 bits
Oct 2014
From: petitloupetitlou60
today truecrypt version installable or portable use a 32 bit starter truecrypt.exe which in turn
load either truecrypt.sys or truecrypt64.sys on 64 bits systems
this starter is unusable on windows pe 64 bits because on this reduced environment required directory syswow needed for executing 32 bit applications does not exist.
and in other hand windows pe 64 bit is mandatory to boot in uefi mode
So i hope that ciphershed developpers has accounted with this need of 64 bit starter on 64 bit systems
Best regards
Yes windows pe is also used by utilities as macrium reflect for standalone boot in case of system image restore .
Today i use an usb key wich contains a 32 bit windows pe image and a truecrypt container
so after booting in compatibility mode (not uefi) i can start macrium and open true crypt container
and restore system image.
my whishe is to use 64 bit image ,bootable in uefi mode, and can open truecrypt /ciphershed container in 64 bit
#2 Updated by Jason Pyeron almost 6 years ago
- Related to Bug #63: 64 bit gui on 64 bit systems added